Dying one's hair is not a new practice and is done by both men and women. The main reason doing so is that we all like a change and our hair is easily done. Many of us want to change the colour of hair that we were born with be it lighter of darker. Seasonal change dictates a trend such as summer lends itself to highlights to suit the tanned skin. However, winter skin would look far too pale so warmer colours are required.
Highlighting and low lighting are common practices to change one's hair colour. If you want to use more diverse colours then chunking is the method used. By this means you can have large sections of different colours instead of just strands. Another impetus for people to dye their hair is to defy the aging process by fending off the grey hairs.
It takes four to six weeks for new hair to grow and in this time your new hair colour becomes defined near your roots. This is when you need to repeat the process of re-coloring although some people can leave it for up to 8 weeks. By doing this on a regular basis you do dry your hair out and it is advisable that you use an excellent moisturizer. It must be noted that once you begin dying your hair it will become a challenge to keep it looking good and also you do run the risk of causing damage to your hair.
Some people like to have their hair dyed at their usual hairdressers and some are happy to dye their own hair. If doing your own, many local retail shops offer a good selection of colours. If you intend to use more than one colour try and choose from the same brand to avoid compatibility problem. In fact the newer offers do have kits that have the main color and also include the complimenting highlights.
To ensure that you get the right shade of hair colour to match your skin tone it is advisable to use your own hairdressers. They are trained to match you with the colour that brings out the best in you. The risk of doing it yourself is that the result can end up looking brassy. It may take you ages to choose the right colour yourself and still not get it right. However, at least you can get another one until you get it right.
For quality and style ask your local Hairdressers in Carmarthen for a great hair colour.